Monday, August 20, 2012

Jason goes to Bad Movie Night and watches HARLEY DAVIDSON AND THE MARLBORO MAN

Mickey Rourke month continues, despite all pleas for leniency and appeals to human decency.

The two "heroes" in this nearly action-less action movie are the embodiment of smoking and riding motorcycles--two of the leading causes of premature death. This movie, on the other hand, is a leading cause of wishing you were dead.

Remember when THE WRESTLER came out in 2008 and people talked about how it resurrected Mickey Rourke's career? Like he hadn't made anything in years? Well, check out his IMDb page and it turned out he was routinely getting work the whole time. Granted, he hadn't made a movie that was released in 2007, but other than that he has at least one credit every year dating back to 1979. Many of them small roles, but he was hardly a guy who was lost wandering in the wilderness. I think it was just movies like HARLEY DAVIDSON AND THE MARLBORO MAN that made people prefer to believe he didn't appear in anything.

Running Time: a mercifully brief 98 minutes, although it felt like 98 hours.
My Total Minutes: 297,587

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