Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jason goes to Bad Movie Night and sees 30 DAYS OF NIGHT

Bad Movie Night is something my friend Ira has known about for a while, but I finally made it out to my first one last Sunday. And it was one that was a little special for me, as an Alaskan and a sorta vampire fan--30 DAYS OF NIGHT. I've seen and reviewed this movie before, but am too embarrassed to quote my review here (just click that link). Let me just defend myself by saying that I saw it and SAW IV on the same night, and I'll still say it's a great movie compared to SAW IV. As for my statement that Josh Hartnett is an underrated actor...oops? Actually, I don't think he's always bad, and I think I had recently seen a short independent film he was in that impressed. Whatever.

Anyway, bad movie night was fun. I didn't get drunk (I had been drinking all weekend before, so I think I was the only one there sobering up). Next week (for QUEEN OF THE DAMNED) I promise to get wasted. At bad movie night you're encouraged to make noise, mock the movie, etc. Kinda like MST3K but with drunk amateurs (okay, exactly like MST3K). And definitely on second viewing, this movie is ridiculous. There's long pondering, actionless moments. Motivations are stupid, the heroes are cowards, and there's never an explanation about why it's still light enough to see even if the sun has gone and power is cut (my explanation--the Aurora Borealis). And I'm now convinced there's no vampire rampage ever that can't be improved by a little Yakkety Sax.

See ya next Sunday at the Dark Room.

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