Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jason shows you how to see everything at Indiefest

Or rather, how I plan to see everything at Indiefest. It's actually pretty easy, what with it going on for 2+ full weeks, and the weeknight films not starting until 7:15. As you can see below, there are many time slots when I have a choice of two movies (although those choices affect what I see later). Considerations that went into this schedule:

1. Start with the films that only play once (that's a given)
2. Try to make time to attend more parties. This is still difficult, but I managed to not schedule an 11:45 movie during the Lebowski party. So I can party with the dude!
3. I had a special commitment on Sunday, Feb. 15th from 1-4 pm. This made me juggle my schedule a little bit and add two shows at the Shattuck on the final weekend. This will actually cause me to miss 1 (or maybe just 1/2) of a show at the Niles Film Museum Midwinter Comedy Festival. And it'll cause me to miss the live Oscar telecast. But I've already determined that I don't care about the Oscars this year, so no big deal.

Anyway, if you want to stalk me from Feb. 5 to Feb. 22, this is how to do it:

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