Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jason goes to Berlin and Beyond--Day 4

Der erste Film, den ich sah, war am Sonntag Silly's Sweet Summer (der deutsche Titel war Blöde Mütze). Allerdings, durch Fehler der Printmedien keine englischen Untertiteln, so dass ich mir die ganze Sache darn in deutscher Sprache. Ich glaube, ich weiß, was passiert ist, aber nur, um diese interessanter ich meine Übersetzung ins Deutsche Überprüfung der Verwendung von Google Translate. Here we go:

Martin ist das neue Kind in der Schule, aber auch zeigt, bevor er sich für den ersten Tag der Klasse, er fängt Oliver stehlen Zigaretten und Ratten auf ihn. So hat er einen Feind erst einmal, und er ihm Spitznamen wie "Stupid Hat" (Ich weiß, dass dies nur wegen der Einführung in den Film). Dies geschieht, obwohl Oliver Martin kauft eine Packung Zigaretten (die sagen, dass sie sich für seine Mutter) - er kann einfach nicht finden Oliver und geben Sie sie ihn in der Zeit.

Martin ist auch der Umgang mit neuen Gefühlen, die durch ogling eines Sonnenschutzmittels Anzeige mit einer Frau "oben ohne" (die nur von der Rückseite, dies ist ein Kinder-Film). Allerdings, wenn er sieht, classmate Silke, sie beginnt an die Stelle der namenlosen topless Küken in seinen Phantasien. Problem ist, dass sie Oliver's Freundin. Aber sie werden Freunde und ein bisschen Liebe Dreieck entwickelt.

Mal sehen, was sonst noch passiert? Martin liebt seine Fische, aber Angst vor dem Wasser (er kann nicht schwimmen). Also, wenn sie zu den geheimen Versteck von einem See, er gehe auf die Reihe, aber nicht schwimmen. Schließlich Oliver und Martin machen sich Freunde, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wie. Oliver's Mutter ist mit einer Affäre, ich kann mich nicht erinnern, was mit seinem Vater. An einer Stelle Silke und Martin haben ein Kampf, aber das ist der Punkt, den ich nicht wirklich herausfinden, aus dem Maßnahmen-und Körpersprache. Aber sie sich wieder zusammen, und sie sind alle Freunde in die Ende. Martin selbst überwindet seine Angst vor Wasser und lernt schwimmen. Dann Ende.

Interessante, vielleicht habe ich einige Fähigkeiten entwickelt, indem sie so viele Stummfilme (danke Niles Film Museum), aber gerade das wirklich zeigt, wie die meisten Fremdinteressen Dialog in einem Film. Obwohl die Beurteilung durch das Gelächter im Publikum, wenn ich die Sprache, hätte ich bekommen viel mehr aus ihm heraus.

Okay, back to English. Next up was the Short Film Program, which broke down as follows:
Bende Sira – Ich Bin Dran--Actually, this one didn't have subtitles, either. But it was still pretty easy to follow the story of a bunch of boys (and one sister) who pool their money so one can watch a movie and describe it to the rest.
Sommersonntag--A heartbreaking story of a drawbridge operator and his adorable deaf son who wanders under the bridge mechanism just before it has to be lowered for the passing train.
The Girl With the Yellow Stockings--The perfect love story. Girl tortures guy by forcing him to propose over and over again just so she can say, "No!"
Die Begegnung--A visual poem in (mostly) black and white, about a couple who meet, lose each other, meet themselves (possibly a time travel interpretation?). Very weird, but beautiful.
Felix--The best of the shorts, the story of a young boy who starts an online relationship with a deaf girl. He even learns sign language for her. He also pretends to be deaf, but has trouble keeping that secret.
Big Plans--A charming animated film about a young genius trying to build a machine to dispense apples.
Dog Food--Two youths, one kind of a thug and one more of a wannabe. The thug convinces the wannabe to break into an old woman's house and steal something. He chooses her...dentures? Oh yeah, and watches her die (sort of).
Illusion--You know what's better than having a job you love as a train ticket taker? Getting fired for roughing up a passenger, and then returning to work anyways on your own. Hey, they can pay the fine to you, or to the transit agency.
Samsa – Hommage An Kafka--Ah, Kafka. An animated interpretation of "Metamorphasis" as a Gregor Samsa writes out his story on a typewriter/cockroach that eats him alive.
On the Line--A security guard falls for a woman who works in one of the stores he watches. They take the same train home every night, and not by accident. But when he sees her board the train with another man, he makes a decision with tragic unintended consequences.

And that was the short film program, and it was a very good program.

Next up was the Berlin and Beyond tradition of playing the audience award winner from Kinofest Lünen. And by coincidence, Evet, I Do! also won the audience award here (not really a coincidence, it's a wonderful, adorable movie). A simple, romantic premise--various couples hoping/planning to get married. The twist--at least one of each couple is Muslim, and they're either Kurds or Turks ("Evet" is the Turkish word for "yes"). Turks and Kurds are large ethnic minorities in Germany, and people that have not historically been friends. But that all changes in the liberal, free world. Turks can marry Kurds, Muslims can marry atheists, etc....except their parents tend to have problems with it. There's the Kurdish man and the Turkish woman who are madly in love, if only they can get their parents to stop fighting. There's the liberal German man who's willing to give up his parent's anti-marriage values to marry his his girlfriend. He's even willing to convert to Islam (at least in name). But when her father requires that he's circumcised--that's a different question. There's the man coming from Turkey to marry anyone just to get a green card. Problem is, he wants a pretty wife. And finally there's Emrah. His parent's have arranged a very nice wife for him. Trouble is, he loves his friend Tim. All the intersecting storylines are handled with humor and a deft steady hand that's all the more impressive if you know it's director Sinan Akkus' first feature film. So far he's shown at Lünen and here, and he's two for two in audience awards.

Next we transition from light romantic comedy to a much darker drama,
Jerichow. In a slightly violent opening, Thomas is in his childhood home (in the tiny town of Jerichow, hence the title) talking with his brothers. Their mother has just died and left them some money. He wants to keep it, move into the house, and fix it up. But he owes them money, so they beat him up and take it. He's broke, but gets a menial job picking cucumbers, making just enough to get by. He has a bit of a sketchy past--he is an Afghanistan veteran, dishonorably discharged. So he can't get better work. But a lucky break strikes him when he helps Ali. Ali was driving drunk and crashed, Thomas talks to him and takes the wrap--claiming he was driving. Turns out Ali runs a bunch of local fast food stands, and when he's again caught driving drunk, he loses his license. So he hires Thomas to drive his van for him. That's great, Thomas is making better money, has a good friend in Ali, is learning the ropes, and is getting along great with Ali's hot wife. In fact, maybe a little too great...make that, way too great...they're having an affair. Thing is, when Ali gets drunk he gets violent. He can be sweet at times, but overall Laura only stays with him because she's deeply in debt (and due to their pre-nup, she will be again if they divorce). Well, their affair gets more serious, and they start hatching some dangerous plans. A pretty good drama with some elements of a thriller.

And finally, Berlin and Beyond started their Wim Wenders tribute with an early road epic,
Kings of the Road. A three-hour, more or less plotless work of beauty, if you can endure the length. Bruno repairs movie projectors, and travels along the border with East and West Germany (oh yeah, this movie's from 1976). At one stop by the lake, he witnesses reckless, crazy, suicidal Robert drive directly into the lake. So of course first he busts up laughing, but then he helps him to shore and lets him borrow clothes while his dry. And now they're best friends travelling along the border and having weird adventures and weirder conversations. I'm honestly not sure if I can say I "got" this movie, but there are parts that amazed and amused me (the shadow theater particularly is a little piece of brilliance). I'm not sure if it was worth the 3 hour running time for most people. But hell, I started the day watching a feature film in a language I don't understand, so I might as well end it this way.

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