Friday, August 1, 2008

Jason goes to the Hypnodrome and sees "The Period"

I've only made it to about half the Dead Channels White Hot 'n Warped Wednesdays at the Hypnodrome this summer. But I saw the trailer to this movie at a previous screening and I've been waiting all month for this.

Sherrie Heiman is having one of those heavy flows. In fact, it's non-stop and projectile. It grosses out her girlfriend, feminist artist Clittoria. She loses her job as a nude model for splattering all over the canvases. Clittoria kicks her out, she's homeless and bleeding all over the city. She runs into Clittoria's agent, and becomes a menstrual artist, taking over the pussy art scene of Kansas City (oh yeah, it's from KC). Then her pussy starts talking in a horrible sexist rant, there's a weird mosaic-faced guy following her, and her "punani tsunami" might just be the fucking fountain of youth (or she's run into a gang of really kinky vampires).

It's full of puns, so of course I loved that. If only it had a little more budget (especially for better sound) this would be a perfect movie. Oh yeah, and I guess there's some debate about whether this is all comedy. Well I laughed, I laughed a lot. In fact, I kinda love this movie. I already have the DVD (available at Amazon, of all places), and now I want to watch it at the same time every month until I'm 50.

Here's the mad genius who made this possible, J. Douglas Smith:
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