Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jason reveals his (tentative and partial) schedule for SFIFF

It starts tomorrow, I better have this freakin' planned out!

That's the nice thing about getting a pass, I don't have to know what I'm doing beyond tomorrow. But I've pretty well settled on the first week.

Thursday, April 24
7:00 pm at the Castro: The Last Mistress (starring Asia Argento!) followed by the opening night party

Friday, April 25
at the Kabuki
7:00 pm: Alexandra
8:45 pm: Black Belt
10:30 pm: Mother of Tears (woo hoo! Dario Argento, and starring Asia! My only concern, the short turnaround between Black Belt and Mother of Tears means I won't have time to drink much free Stella Artois)

Saturday, April 26
at the Kabuki all day
1:00 pm: Just Like Home
3:45 pm: The Toe Tactic
6:45 pm: Ice People
9:00 pm: Water Lilies
11:45 pm: Go Go Tales (more Asia Argento!)

Sunday, April 27
I'm moving to the PFA for this day
1:30 pm: Forbidden Lie$
3:45 pm: Latent Argentina
6:00 pm: Leave Her to Heaven
8:30 pm: You, the Living

Monday, April 28
I'm staying at the PFA
6:30 pm: Traveling with Pets
9:00 pm: Sleep Dealer

Tuesday, April 29
Back to the Kabuki, just one show
7:30 pm: The POV Award: Errol Morris, with Standard Operating Procedure

Wednesday, April 30
Back to the PFA
6:30 pm: Vasermil
8:55 pm: Mock up on Mu

Thursday, May 1
At the Kabuki
6:00 pm: Stranded: I've Come From a Plane That Crashed in the Mountains
9:30 pm: My Winnipeg (woo hoo! Guy Maddin!)

Friday, May 2
Still at the Kabuki
7:00 pm: Shadows in the Palace
9:00 pm: In the City of Sylvia
11:00 pm: Big Man Japan

Saturday, May 3
I don't know, then more I don't know, then...
7:00 pm: The Wackness (some confusion here, because the printed mini-guide shows this at 7:30, but the website and the thicker program guide says 7:00. I hope 7:00 is right, because otherwise I'll be a little late for the next show)
9:15 pm: A Journey with Peter Sellars
11:00 pm: Timecrimes

Sunday, May 4
Starting at the Kabuki
10:15 am: Stay Tooned, Kids! (yeah, I like cartoons, wanna fight about it!?)
then I don't know, then...
3:45 pm: The Art of Negative Thinking
then walk up the street to the Clay Theater
6:00 pm: A Girl Cut in Two
9:00 pm: Secret

And then I really don't know the rest of my schedule. And, of course, all the above is subject to change. I know I want to see David Mamet's "Redbelt" on Tuesday, May 6 at 9:15, but also "Evolution: The Musical" looks interesting, and I know "Redbelt" is coming to general theaters soon. I already made the wrenching decision to miss "Mongol" based on the same logic.

I also know that I'll miss Wednesday, May 7, because I'm going to the Hypnodrome to see "Starslyderz" instead. And I want to see the closing night gala "Gonzo: the Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson", as much because it's directed by Alex Gibney ("Taxi to the Dark Side") as because it's about Hunter S. Thompson.

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