Saturday, February 23, 2008

Jason watches all the Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts

Thanks to the Landmark Theaters and Magnolia pictures for putting on this program. Here we go:

"Même les Pigeons vont au Paradis (Even Pigeons Go To Heaven)"--this is my choice, a funny French computer-animated flick about an old man and a huckster who sells a machine that will fly him to heaven.

Here are the other ones, quickly:

"My Love (Moya Lyubov)"--A Russian boy in the 19th century, he's looking for love and finds himself pulled into a class-system love triangle.

"Madame Tutli-Putli"--From Canada, the computer-animated story of a timid woman on a big scary train.

"Peter and the Wolf"--A classic, well-known story. Classic, well-known music. Rendered with a great sense of humor.

"I Met the Walrus"--My other favorite of the set. When he was 14, Jerry Levitan interviewed John Lennon with his old reel-to-reel tape recorder. Now that interview, with all the humor and insight, is set to animation, in funny and surprising ways.

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