Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jason goes to a legitimate theater and sees "Avenue Q"

best described as "Muppets on crack", with beautiful life-affirming songs like "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" and "The Internet is for porn", a bunch of puppets sing about post-college malaise, fears, and bad ideas (courtesy of the Bad Idea Bears) along with their human friends Brian, his Japanese fiance Christmas Eve, and landlord Gary Coleman. Hilarious

Anyway, I'm back from Houston. I saw this show just before flying home. I went with my friend (okay, my sister's friend, we'd met once before) Rebecca, pictured here...just look to the right...further to the right...stop staring at the giant fuzzy hooters, she's to the right of them:

By the way, as I was writing this, the earth started shaking, and all I could think of was "Go Quakes!"
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  1. Muppets on Crack. I love it. By the way, 'Becca looks like she had some fun.

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