Friday, May 4, 2007

Jason previews Hole in the Head

The past few years the good people at Indiefest have put on my favorite film festival/week long party of the year--Another Hole in the Head (as in, SF needs another film festival like it needs....) Details will be up soon at, but since I'm extra-cool I got a preview of the schedule. Some quick impressions.

The rumors are true, holehead is 2 weeks this year, June 1-14! However, they have about as many films as before. There are no weekday matinee shows, and the weekends start at 3 pm instead of noon (more on that in a moment). There are also more repetitions of each movie (most play 3 times). All this means it's really easy to be like me and see everything.

This is particularly good for me because back when it was penciled in for June 7-14th, I already planned another event on June 2 (soccer, USA vs. China in San Jose). Now I can go to that and still see everything. I just have to be up at the Roxie for the midnight show that night, since it's one of the rare shows that only plays once.

Other than that, I'll plan to try to see everything at it's first show, so as I blog I can alert my local readers of subsequent screenings. No more reading here about an awesome movie that you'll never get a chance to see. This time, most of my reviews will be for movies that still play another time or two.

"Blood Car", one of my favorites from Cinequest, plays 3 times. Everyone should see it. Hell, everyone should see it all three times. I plan/hope to. I know nothing in advance of how good the other movies are, but the lineup looks like it'll be fun (and I don't want to give away things that aren't already up on their site).

The other big new wrinkle this year is Indiefest Gets Animated. The early shows on the weekends and some weekdays will be animated movies instead of genre fare (although it looks like there will be some overlap). I know the economics of this--holehead never had good attendance at the matinees, and so lost money. This is an attempt to try something different and see if it'll work. I don't know if it will, but it'll be interesting. SFFS (the organization that does the SF International Film Fest) puts on their own animation festival in October (starting last year, and they've been pushing it as a membership benefit at the festival this year), so it'll also be interesting to see the differences and if SF can sustain 2 (or 1.5) animation festivals.

Finally, the Primitive Screwheads are putting on another show, "Night of the Living Dead--Live", which is concurrent with the final two nights of holehead and continues the following weekend. Primitive Screwheads are always freakin' cool!

That is all.

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